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Richard Zavitz

Sponsorship: how to enhance the role within the project profession

Early in 2020 the Association for Project Management (APM) Governance Specific Interest Group (SIG) analysed the results of an online survey of senior executives who undertake a sponsor role or are board directors and other project professionals involved in governance of change.

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Margaret Heffernan

‘Efficiency makes everything better’ is a dangerous myth

The focus on maximum efficiency ignores the fundamental differences between the complicated and the complex, writes Margaret HeffernanWe’ve all sat in planning meetings and shaved off costs here while tightening schedules there.

Martin Paver Martin Paver
Martin Paver

Data analytics must drive the new world order

We need a radical overhaul in how we deliver projects, and now is a good time to start, writes Martin Paver When we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, the government will be introducing several measures to stimulate the economy.

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Rachael Pells

Vaccine project management – a race against time

The urgency to find a coronavirus vaccine is compressing years of research into weeks for these life-saving projects, writes Rachael Pells Developing a successful vaccine for COVID-19 is now occupying some of the world’s sharpest minds.