How to unlock relational capacity
“Of course, contracts are only a rough guide,” said a Brazilian contractor with a wry smile during a payment discussion.
“Of course, contracts are only a rough guide,” said a Brazilian contractor with a wry smile during a payment discussion.
The changing world of the project management industry has seen a split in a number of different areas; seen plainly by the growing number of Association for Project Management Specific Interest Groups.
Most of us don't like meetings very much.
With the advent of APM becoming a Chartered body comes an increased focus on continuing professional development (CPD).
Is it just me or is anybody else bamboozled or even mildly puzzled by the absence in project management literature of any helpful information on dealing with the challenges of achieving an integrated end-to-end supply chain? Some of the problem is undoubtedly down to language.
Good governance is the critical success factor in delivering successful outcomes.
‘Inspiring positive change’ is the title of the refreshed APM strategy.
In many industries change is fast becoming the norm amid the continuous demand to adopt new technology and improve client satisfaction.
“Probably some of the best things that have ever happened to you in life, happened because you said 'yes' to something.
Every year project management surveys tell us the same things we’ve been reading for the last 20 years – namely that more projects fail than succeed.