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Vivianne Walters.jpg Vivianne Walters.jpg
Vivianne Walters

Managing in a crisis

A programme manager must accept that despite well laid plans there is a 9/10 chance that the plan will not work perfectly and yet they must appear to manage professionally.

Martin Paver Martin Paver
Martin Paver

Are we stifling our project managers?

What are the differences between a rally driver and a project manager? They both work under considerable time pressures, with constrained resources, to deliver a defined set of objectives within an emergent environment.

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Lucinda Finney

Inspirational leadership

A few years ago I made the transition from working in the field of Business Change to working in Learning and Development.

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John Chapman

The BBC or The Clash?

The words ‘This is London Calling …’ were used by the BBC World Service during WWII as part of its broadcast to occupied countries[1].

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Ketan Patel

Managing change: You vs You

There isn’t another organism known to man that has the ability to do what humans are able.

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Phil Driver

Full-spectrum accountability (PRUB-accountability)

Who is ultimately accountable for the processes associated with projects and their consequences? Surprisingly to some, the answer is that, regardless of how much of the process you seek to outsource, it is you, the purchaser, and not your suppliers, who will remain accountable.