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Fran Bodley-Scott

Stakeholder engagement – let’s start with why

Why is stakeholder engagement so important to the project management community? This is the topic of an APM webinar on June 28th and whitepaper by programme manager Benedict Pinches that is due to be published on the same day.

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Emma-Ruth Arnaz-Pemberton

The PMO as a career? Sure, why not!

A recent research project around the PMO took place to answer the following questions: Is PMO a profession? If so, is it a credible career path for PPM professionals? What are the contexts that need to be considered? It is widely acknowledged that project management is a profession in exponential growth and of critical importance for the global economy.

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Roy Millard

Call for honorary fellow nominations

Do you know anyone who, in achieving great success in their chosen field, has also done great things for the project management profession? Although not a project professional themselves, has he or she been an advocate for project management or helped drive forward our profession in a significant way?  Perhaps they are in media, politics, education, sport, …well, anything really.

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Nick Simmonds

From conflict to consensus

Conflict resolution is a key skill for project managers to master because conflict is a common reality in many projects.

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Alistair Godbold

Process – the good the bad and the ugly

When you mention processes some people have an image of an overly bureaucratic monster, eating your time and energy as well as stifling creativity.

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Parag Gogate

Six key factors in successful change

Almost all organisations undergo change of varying degrees, complexity and magnitude with billions of pounds being invested every year.

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Emma-Ruth Arnaz-Pemberton

Empowering yourself and others

What do you think of when you hear the term 'empowerment' or 'empowering others'? The Oxford dictionary defines Empowerment as the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.