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Esther Abrey.jpg Esther Abrey.jpg
Esther Abrey

APM needs your feedback on CPD

With the advent of APM becoming a Chartered body comes an increased focus on continuing professional development (CPD).

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Steve Oliver

End-to-end supply chain: call for content

Is it just me or is anybody else bamboozled or even mildly puzzled by the absence in project management literature of any helpful information on dealing with the challenges of achieving an integrated end-to-end supply chain? Some of the problem is undoubtedly down to language.

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James Lesingham

The value of saying yes

“Probably some of the best things that have ever happened to you in life, happened because you said 'yes' to something.

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Stephen Miller

Your guide to hiring apprentices

Want to employ an apprentice but don’t know where to start? APM’s guide for employers is what you need to help you navigate the different options on offer whether you are a small business or multinational organisation.

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Steve Messenger

Deeper dive into agile and governance

Many have successfully implemented agile styles of working for small teams, but struggle when they encounter corporate governance procedures.