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Bruce Phillips

The three wise men

Over more years than I care to remember, I have seen many projects and programmes across a range of diverse business environments set themselves up for failure from day one - nothing to do with me of course! The apparent need to mobilise at pace, ‘we need this project delivered tomorrow’ syndrome, the inevitable politics and the general lack of sufficient planning and risk foresight are all critical factors of failure.

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Ketan Patel

Manage benefits and measure change success

I learnt early on in my career that if you want to change something, measuring it is a sure fire way to get results and a good tool to see the impacts of action in a quantifiable way.

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Paul Naybour

Are you motivating your project team?

We all know the importance of effectively managing project resources - the time, the money and the people - with the often complex interactions and interdependencies they have.

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Vince Hines

Your project management office needs you

The annual Wellingtone and APM Project Management Office Specific Interest Group State of Project Management survey shows that approximately 85 per cent of project organisations have a project management office (PMO) of one type or another.