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Andrew Birkett 245X150

Project: To deliver blood for the NHS

Andrew Birkett, programme systems engineering manager at Clayton Systems Consultancy, volunteers for Bristol Blood Bikes, which delivers blood and other life-saving products by motorbike.

A Matter Of Urgency 245X150

A matter of urgency?

In its report Lessons Learned: Delivering programmes at speed, the National Audit Office prompts project professionals to consider that not all programmes can, or indeed should, be delivered at speed.

Ibis News Placeholder

Rethinking capabilities

New Project X research, published by APM, gives valuable lessons for policy, scholarship and practice.

Hot Topics 245X150

Hot projects

What makes some projects sizzle while others leave you feeling cold? Is it just about the size of the budget or the sense of urgency and mission? Andrew Saunders uncovers the secret sauce of projects that inspire deep dedication from their teams.

NGO Challenge 245X150

The NGO challenge

Delivering third sector projects demands tenacity, agility and, increasingly, professionalised project management skills, finds Conrad Heine.