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APM News

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One project to rule them all

What the Council of Elrond, a pivotal scene in The Lord of the Rings, can tell us about the importance of project initiation meetings.


Room for improvement

Stuart Harvey outlines areas to focus on in a bid to improve project and programme delivery.


Responsive to change

Nitin Kunchur examines the values, principles and working practices of agile software engineering.


On the radar

Research from the University of East Anglia shows how earlier identification of risks can save time and money on projects.


The ins and outs of Brexit

Brexit represents a major challenge to both the public and private sector alike, but project management has a crucial role to play as this complex process plays out.


A real difference

Renfrewshire Council’s innovative work on alleviating poverty in the area saw it scoop an APM award in 2017.


In the loop

Project managers take note – the future of transport has arrived.


On point

After a series of delays, work at nuclear site Hinkley Point C is back on track.


An integrated approach

Common and concurrent working are key to achieving lean and integrated project management, writes Frank Curtolo.


What the doctor ordered

Richard Young explores the role of project management in meeting challenges in the pharmaceutical industry.