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APM Wessex branch: Student of the year 2019

The APM Wessex branch represents and supports local APM members and is supporting the development of the profession amongst students by holding a Student of the year competition, open to Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) in the Wessex branch region.

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APM unveils five new Honorary Fellows

On the eve of Association for Project Management (APM) annual awards, five new Honorary Fellowships were awarded to individuals who have made exceptional, demonstrable and significant contributions to project management or to the project management profession.


Enabling Change SIG Newsletter, December 2018

Newsletter contents Welcome from our Chair Past event: Innovative Quality Solutions –  Digital Transformation in Higher Education, 10 September 2018 (webinar) Transport Practitioner Group Public Services Change Practitioner Group Methods and Standards Theme 1.


Best in class: stakeholder engagement

Royal Mail programme manager Graeme Barker and project manager Diane Glasspool had a major project on their hands – to reduce more than 70 large Royal Mail distribution centres to 36 units across the country.