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Education outreach, one year on

A year since APM invested in education outreach, the launch of a new Road to Chartered paper offers the chance to reflect on what has been achieved so far.

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Talented writers wanted

The saying goes that everyone has a book in them, and here at APM we’re on the look-out for people who would be willing to do just that.


Benefits Management: Making it real

Kevin Parry, Programme Director at NHS Digital and Fellow member of the APM, gave a stimulating presentation to a full and enthusiastic audience in Leeds on the evening of Tuesday, 22 January 2019.


APM’s research summary series – doing the hard work for you

Did you know that we publish a research summary series? Our research team look at articles published in the International Journal of Project Management (IJPM) and produce easy to access summaries, helping to disseminate cutting-edge research for practitioners.


Changes to our Full member (MAPM) standard

APM is to introduce a revised Full member (MAPM) standard in spring 2019 to bring greater focus to the recognition of the experience of established project professionals.


Launch of the APM Furness Group

On Thursday 17 January 2019 more than 80 professionals, members of the APM and non-members attended the launch event of the new Furness Group of the APM, which will support project management in the Furness Region.


Welcome to the Winter Women in Project Management SIG Newsletter 2019

APM Women in Project Management SIG – Winter Newsletter 2019   Follow us on social mediaOur linkedIn group APM Women In Project Management SIG or via twitter @apmwipmsig #apmwipm #WiPMNewsletter contents Welcome message from our Chair What we have been up to Our strategy Our strategy - collaboration Upcoming events Celebrating success Links and books we like And finally.