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SWWE PM challenge 2023/4 launch night

APM is a registered charity with over 35,000 individual members and 500 Corporate Partners and Affiliates, making it the largest professional body in Europe.

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Black History Month: Accelerating Black Inclusion

To mark Black History Month in the UK, APM is holding events and publishing articles to celebrate the contribution of ethnic-minority project managers to our profession, and to lend our support to tackle ongoing issues relevant to the black community.

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Navigating Difficult Conversations on Projects Webinar

This Webinar explored the art of engaging in difficult conversations, equipped project leaders with practical strategies and insights that align with the principles and practices advocated by the APM Body of Knowledge.

Memcom Awards 2023 (4)

Great night for APM at the Memcom Awards

A successful night at the prestigious Memcom Excellence Awards saw members of APM's team take home two trophies, in addition to being nominated in a further two.

APM Board At MTC Crop

APM Board visits Manufacturing Technology Centre

Members of the Association for Project Management Board of Trustees visited the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) to receive a first-hand look at how innovative projects are contributing to a significant, positive impact on society.