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Student guide to project management

There has never been a better time to work on projects! 

Our Project:You student guide gives you an insight into the project profession, as well as case studies, and information on our free student membership.

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Our short guide shows you more about a profession that plays a big part in making things happen and keeps on growing as more companies in more sectors become project-based. Our guide includes:

  • What are projects
  • Where in the world
  • Project skills
  • Case studies
  • Our corporate partners
Download Project:You Guide
Project You Inside Pages

APM Qualifications

Find out more about our professional qualifications – including the Management Qualification which sits in project management apprenticeships and many project-related graduate schemes.

View all APM qualifications

APM Student membership

Student membership is a great way to build your project knowledge, grow your network and get a head start in your career. It also gives you discounts on our qualifications, publications and events.

It's open to any full-time or part-time student or apprentice aged 16 or over who has an interest in project management.

Become an APM student member now


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