Steve Naybour, Milla Mazilu, Yamini Kumar and Pragya Raina


🕑 43 mins
Session resource: Recording 

Steve Naybour, Head of programme controls & programme management, Network Rail

Steve is a Chartered Civil Engineer and double national rail award winning project professional who specialises in innovation and cultural transformation programmes to major objectives.

Steve combines passionate communication, innovative engineering and driven strategic business execution. Passionate about technology that makes an impact and continually seeking out concepts and inspiration on the world stage with learnings gathered following visits to Europe, Hong Kong and Tokyo.

Milla Mazilu, Principal programme controls manager & APM deputy chair, Network Rail & Association for Project Management

Milla began her railway career in 2005, initially working with Union Railways on the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (HS1) and then with Network Rail, the railway infrastructure owner and operator for Great Britain. Prior to 2005, Milla worked in the insurance industry, specialising in regulatory compliance.

Throughout her career, Milla has focused on programme controls, planning, scheduling, and integration in the railway industry. In the last five years, Milla has honed in on modernising processes and systems to improve project delivery. In her current role in Wales & Western Region, Milla is currently spearheading initiatives in project data & analytics across her portfolio.

Yamini Kumar, Programme controls manager, Network Rail

Yamini is a programme controls manager for Wales & Western Region in Network Rail with competencies in Information Technology and Business Intelligence Reporting.

She has 7 years of experience in programme controls and has served as a catalyst for successfully implementing and maintaining automated Power BI reports which resulted in teams benefiting from viewing robust data from various sources in a single place.

She is passionate about technology and enjoys nothing more than learning the trends that technology is taking to work more efficiently and see progress and success.

Pragya Raina, Performance & reporting analyst, Network Rail 

Pragya Raina is a performance and reporting analyst in Network Rail. A technology enthusiast and a Power BI specialist, she’s involved in Power BI Reporting across Wales and Western Region.

She is passionate about data analytics and a strong believer that data should drive decisions. An early adopter, always ready to learn and apply latest technology tools and process to improve and enhance Business Intelligence reporting.

Presentation Synopsis - Raiders of the lost knowledge

One organisation’s journey to making the most of our data - we will share the what, why, and how.  Steve shared the purpose, Milla the process, and Yamini and Pragya the results.

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