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Current research 

We are currently engaged in a diverse array of funded research studies. Please read the text below to explore APM's ongoing research on project management and discover the authors and experts behind each topic.

If you are interested in any particular study and wish to learn more, you are welcome to email us


Digital Transformation in Public and Private Sector Project Management: A Comprehensive Analysis of Methods and Skills in the Emerging AI Economy

Authors: Dr Nicholas Dacre, Dr David Baxter, Dr Hao Dong and
Dr Al Mhdawi


This research project aims to explore the influence of digital transformation on the project management field, particularly in the context of the evolving AI-driven economy in both public and private sectors. The central research question seeks to understand how digital transformation is reshaping the methods and skills required by project management professionals, and what adjustments are needed to effectively leverage digital technologies in the emerging AI economy.

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Developing Effective Interventions for Gender Equality in UK Construction Project Organisations

Authors: Dr. Sara Hajikazemi and Dr. Giorgio Locatelli


Sexism in the workplace conflicts with the United Nations Sustainable development goals, which “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”. One of the sectors which are struggling more with this issue is construction, a male-dominant sector, exposing women and non-cis-male to sexism and gender bias. To address this issue, organisations implement Gender Equality Interventions (GEIs) which are initiatives that aim to address the root causes and consequences of gender disparities, stereotypes, or oppression in various settings. They can be designed and implemented at different levels of analysis including individual, interpersonal, organisational, or societal, and can target different dimensions of gender equality, such as awareness, attitudes, behaviours, policies, or outcomes. This research aims to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of different types of GEIs that are implemented by construction project organisations in the UK.

Caring for employee wellbeing in the rise of modern methods in construction

Authors: Dr Jean Xu, Dr Simon Addyman and Dr. Qiuchen Lu


This research aims to explore how project-based firms can better ‘care’ for project workers’ wellbeing in transforming to a platform approach. The research will conduct multiple case studies in project-based industries to understand the impacts of platform technologies on employee wellbeing and how caring practices are enacted in project management to nurture wellbeing in transforming to a platform approach. The comparison case studies offer practical insights for project businesses to better understand and manage employee wellbeing in the platform-based environment. 

Are we ready for net-zero in project management? The challenges and strategies for project professionals in the delivery of UK major projects

Authors: Dr. Godawatte Arachchige Gimhan Rathnagee Godawatte, Dr. Eduardo Navarro-Bringas and Professor Stephen O. Ogunlana


Given current national strategies and pledges on the attainment of carbon neutrality by 2050, the significance of carbon as an increasingly prevalent parameter for successful project delivery appears unavoidable. Considering the importance that major projects and programmes have in developing the national infrastructure, the delivery of these projects will be a key success factor in making sure that the UK is able to attain its net-zero pledges. Addressing this, we explored the readiness of the PM profession, through the identification of challenges faced by PMs in current major projects in the UK and proposed strategies and pathways to enable the successful delivery of major projects aligned with net-zero pledges over the next decades.

Digital Transformation in Public and Private Sector Project Management: A Comprehensive Analysis of Methods and Skills in the Emerging AI Economy

Authors: Dr Nicholas Dacre, Dr David Baxter, Dr Hao Dong, Dr Al Mhdawi


This research project aims to explore the influence of digital transformation on the project management field, particularly in the context of the evolving AI-driven economy in both public and private sectors. The central research question seeks to understand how digital transformation is reshaping the methods and skills required by project management professionals, and what adjustments are needed to effectively leverage digital technologies in the emerging AI economy. 

Improving the early-career experiences of racially diverse project professionals

Authors: Dr. Christina Scott-Young and Dr. Jessica Borg


By exploring the under-researched perspectives of early career minority groups in project management, this research contributes to an area where few studies have been conducted. In doing so, this research seeks to advance both the project management sustainability and careers literatures and shed light on the lived experiences of under-represented minority groups as well as provide evidence-based practical recommendations to improve practices that support project professionals from diverse backgrounds during their early careers. The research aims to positively contribute to the better career development, satisfaction, and retention of diverse early career project professionals (i.e., improve their career sustainability), which will further contribute to improving the triple bottom line in terms of economic, social, and environmental sustainability through sustaining a more diverse project profession. 

Integration of Agile project management in the context of sustainability - Research Fund 

Authors: Dr Ruben Burga and Chris Spraakman


This research addresses the intersection of Agile project management, artificial intelligence (AI) tools, and sustainability initiatives, which is a topic of significant interest in the field of project management. Despite the prevalence of discussions on Agile project management, there has been limited academic research in this area, especially considering the recent integration of AI and its impact on sustainability efforts. 


Promoting Neurodiversity

Authors: Lydia Adigun, Professor David Pontin, Caroline Tite and Dr Nicholas Dacre 


Project management is a critical field that requires efficient and effective leadership skills to meet project objectives. However, the underrepresentation of certain groups, specifically neurodiverse individuals, in project management roles is a significant concern. The lack of neurodiversity potentially hampers the infusion of diverse perspectives and innovative ideas, which are critical for successful project outcomes. This research proposal aims to investigate the underrepresentation of neurodiverse individuals in project management roles and explore potential strategies to address this issue.