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Stakeholder identification and engagement webinar

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On Wednesday 15 March the collaboration series between the APM and the Change Management Institute continued, by exploring how practitioners can work more closely together to realise project outcomes and benefits.

During this session two real-life case studies dealing with the identification and engagement of the key stakeholders were explored.

Webinar resources

Ian, Donna and Trish have very kindly allowed their presented material to be made available for viewing. The slides on Slideshare and the webinar recording on YouTube are now available in our APM resources area and also embedded below for reference.

The questions submitted from attendees during the webinar were answered throughout the broadcast.

The content is suitable for professionals with a beginner to intermediate level of experience.



Panel members

Ian Cribbes
supposes that his first encounter with project management was in 1978 when he was part of a small team designing and commissioning a, then, state of the art, Systems Simulator for the brand-new Lynx helicopter which was coming into service with the British Army.

Life soon morphed into project management where he was tasked with the design and installation of a multi-media instructional solution for the Technical Academy with circa 3,500 trainees. Following this he became involved in a wide range of projects covering marine and aerospace equipment in Saudi Arabia. His last role in Saudi Arabia was as one of the senior programme managers covering a major upgrade to the Tornado aircraft on behalf of the Royal Saudi Air Force.

On return to the UK in late 2012 he formed his own consultancy company (IMC&T Ltd). Under this umbrella he has worked with a wide range of organisations from the aerospace industry, defence organisations, Business / Financial Think Tank, higher educational establishments, central and local government departments, Grade 1 Listed Church conservation and reordering.

Throughout his career he has had the opportunity to be involved in projects ranging from quite small to those in the multi-billion-pound range.

Ian is one of the founding members of the Stakeholder Engagement Focus Group (part of the APM People SIG).

Donna Unitt is the APM Enabling Change Specific Interest Group (SIG) chair. Her day job is as head of delivery with experience in managing business relationships across an array of levels and cultures through large IT, organisation and process change projects and programmes.

Donna has a proven track record of successful project delivery and management in large multi million pound projects.

Donna is a change management practitioner and has over 25 years of IT solutions implementation experience, including multi-implementation lifecycles across the supply chain industry to the SIG.

Trish Thurley BSc MBA MCIPS MAPM is an international business consultant, speaker, and educator specialising in Project Management and Stakeholder Engagement. She has over 30 years’ experience across industry sectors and in 39 countries. Trish is also a visiting lecturer at one of Europe’s top Business Schools.

She founded six years ago. Sims4training uses computer simulations to equip people with the soft skills to benefit their projects and their organisation and achieve better outcomes. Our goal is to assist in delivering beneficial sustainable change, and achieve better results for all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

Trish has considerable hands-on experience in managing complex organisational change. She began her career in the newly privatised British Gas. She has since managed complex change projects in PWC and Colgate-Palmolive.

Previous presentations and webinars can be viewed on the APM YouTube Channels.

Follow @APMEvents for upcoming event information.

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APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition reference

Section Description
2 Preparing for change


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