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Nuclear energy conversation: “Hidden learnings” in decision-making webinar

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This was a joint The Nuclear Institute: Project Management SIG and APM’s three part Nuclear webinar series

How can we increase the speed of informal knowledge to improve project predictability, decision-making, and investor confidence?

As we know from our recent The Nuclear Institute: Project Management SIG report, the nuclear industry suffers from a lack-of-predictability in projects, which often results in projects that are late and over-budget. Further, these repeated challenges have resulted in low investor confidence. Now, add in the current challenges to move toward low and zero carbon projects alongside the perceived slow decision-making culture. We have a major problem that is larger than any one individual, we have a systems challenge that requires transformational change.

Knowledge Management (KM) is one major aspect of a complex systems approach to decision-making, innovation, and systemic change. KM officially began in 1995 and has matured along the way. KM augmented traditional Information Management (IM) approaches such as lessons learned, and traditional training approaches such as individual productivity improvement.

KM now practices and enhances organisational learning and cross-industry partnership performance. In this webinar on Thursday 24 November, we discussed specific examples of how to shift from lessons learned to shared collaborative learning, from structured to unstructured collective decisions, and especially from formal to informal optimal flow of knowledge.

Notice the word “discussed” because this was a group discussion as opposed to a traditional watch-and-listen webinar. Attendees came prepared to deeply listen and contribute to the conversations. John Hovell, PMP, CKM offered a short provocation, then there were two rounds of small group conversations. It closed with a group text-based sharing to collective realise and document the key learnings. The core question for consideration, and our discussion was, “how can we increase the speed of informal knowledge to improve project predictability, decision-making, and investor confidence?”.


Webinar resources

John has very kindly allowed his presented material to be made available for viewing.
The slides on APM Slideshare and the webinar recording on YouTube is now available in our APM resources area and also embedded below for reference.

This event is suitable for professionals with an intermediate level of experience.


John Hovell, PMP, CKM is a leader in the convergence of Knowledge Management (KM), Organization Development (OD), Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI), and Conversational Leadership (CL). Mr. Hovell is the Managing Director for STRATactical International. He is a practitioner, speaker, and author in organisational strategies and their application to current challenges.

John led a team to win a Chair's Award at BAE Systems in 2014. Previously, John was part of a team to win the prestigious NOVA award, Lockheed Martin's top recognition award. Additionally, he was instrumental in the creation and execution of the enterprise KM strategy for ManTech International Corporation.

John volunteers as the corporate lead for the award-winning annual STEMmerday event where thousands of participants engage in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math related learning activities. John serves on several advisory boards including the International Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Psychotherapy, International Knowledge Management Institute, Training Industry Quarterly, and Synergy Development and Training.

John has lead 5 different teams that have won awards from Chief Learning Officer magazine. In 2015, he was named the 8th most influential person in Knowledge Management. He published a chapter in a book titled "Making It Real: Sustaining Knowledge Management" and became a fellow with the Royal Society for Arts (RSA). In 2009, he was honoured by Training Magazine as one of the "Top Young Trainers" after being honoured in 2008 as one of the top “Young Trainers to Watch.” In 2007, he earned his Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) certification from the International Knowledge Management Institute. He earned his Project Management Professional (PMP) from the Project Management Institute (PMI) in 2005. He earned his master’s degree from The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and his undergraduate degree from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. 

Previous webinars can be viewed on the APMSlideshareandYouTube channels. 

Follow@APMEventsfor upcoming event information.

Twitter:  #apmwebinar     @NuclearInst

APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition reference

Section Description
3.3.6 Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Nuclear three part webinar series:

Part 1: Unlearning - a vital step in the process of innovation and change

Part 2: Storytelling in major projects: The art of communicating archaeology


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