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Introducing your Interest Network Leads

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As part of the roll out of our volunteer offering this year, our Specific Interest Groups became Interest Networks.  

To support this work and create greater reach and accessibility, all Interest Networks were given an online space to network, collaborate and share updates. These are open to APM Members to get involved.  

Each Interest Network will continue to focus on its own segment of knowledge that supports developing our profession. Through new online spaces this work can reach a broader and more diverse range of volunteers to build greater insights and connections.  

Each Interest Network will be spearheaded by a Network Lead and Deputy Lead, with the support of a team of volunteers. Their role is to plan future activities and guide the team’s ambitions.  

The Interest Network Leads are:  

Roy MillardAssurance Interest Network Lead  

Roy Millard BSc DMS FAPM MIET, Owner, P3 Risk & Assurance 

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Hugo MinneyBenefits and Value Interest Network Lead  

Hugo Minney PhD, ChPP, CMgr, FRSA, MNucI 

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Dave CorbinBuilt Environment Interest Network Lead  

Dave Corbin ChPP FAPM, Head of Client Accounts, Gleeds 

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Donna UnittEnabling Change Interest Network Lead

Donna Unitt, Head of Delivery, Rocket Consulting Ltd 

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David PearceKnowledge Interest Network Lead  

David Pearce PMP MBA RIBA FAPM FRSA, Director, Gleeds. 

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Teri OkoroPeople Interest Network Lead  


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Edi HaywardPlanning Monitoring and Control Interest Network Lead  

Edwina Hayward, Principal Consultant, BMT 

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Emma RuthPMO Interest Network Lead  

Emma-Ruth Arnaz-Pemberton, Director of Consulting Services, Wellingtone 

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Adam SkinnerPortfolio Management Interest Network Lead 

Adam Skinner BSc MSc (Oxon) ChPP, Portfolio and Programme Director, Finance and Government 

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James LesinghamProgramme Management Network Lead  

James Lesingham, Project Manager, Babcock International 

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Gareth PugsleyRisk Interest Network Lead 

Gareth Pugsley FAPM, Guest Lecturer  

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Andrew WrightSystems Thinking Interest Network Lead 

Andrew Wright PhD ChPP FAPM, Managing Partner, Dynamic Technologies Ltd 

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