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Introducing Ethical Hacking to the Ministry of Defence webinar

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Introducing ethical hacking to the Ministry of Defence; the project management behind the innovation. This webinar was held on 14 July 2022.

This webinar talked you through the journey of how a groundbreaking cyber testing methodology was applied in the Ministry of Defence.

How the project overcame the challenges faced, such as the complex stakeholder landscape, change resistance to such an innovative product and navigating commercial and legal.

The methods and factors that made the project successful:

  • Senior leadership support and advocacy.
  • Small, empowered and flexible team.
  • Internal marketing campaign, making use of communications and rewards.
  • A consultative, transformation approach.
  • Stakeholder mapping and engagement.
  • External communications, including a successful press release.
  • Demonstrating success early in the project and building on it.
  • Short delivery timescales
  • Clear methodology for the test, detailed in easily digestible communications
  • Making use of internal champions across the organisation.

The benefits achieved:

  • Reduction to the cyber risk.
  • Increased collaborative cyber culture.
  • Upskilling of internal IT and cyber staff.
  • Positioning of the MOD as a cyber leader on the global stage.

Speaker: Sophie Okell

Sophie is an experienced management consultant, who specialises in programme leadership, business change and digital transformation. She has 10 years of experience delivering large complex IT consulting engagements at a range of clients, across defence, education and government. Passionate about technology and it’s ability to transform people’s lives. A people focused leader who is dedicated to supporting the development of others.

Sophie has very kindly allowed her presented material to be made available for viewing. The webinar recording on YouTube and the slides on Slideshare are now available in our APM resources area and also embedded below for reference.

This event is suitable for professionals with an intermediate level of experience.

Previous webinars can be viewed on the APM Slideshare and YouTube channels

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APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition reference

Section Description
Organisational culture


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