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Gathering PMO perspectives for 2021 and beyond

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Before the end of 2020 APM PMO SIG ran a poll online to collate perspectives on the need for financial intelligence within PMO teams. As we continue to develop those insights into a paper detailing the findings and some real life experiences, one of the prominent messages from the research supporting the differing perspectives from senior leaders and PMO team members themselves.

As a committee we felt it would be pertinent to look further into the differences in perspectives and expectations on a wider scale than financial intelligence.

With that in mind, we have devised a PMO survey with two options, one for PMO team members and one of PMO leaders.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and share your #PMOWisdom. This will help us to design the best possible events in our next APM year starting April, ensuring that both points of views are considered and addressed.

Thank you

Emma-Ruth Arnaz-Pemberton
APM PMO Specific Interest Group Chair


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