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Agile Delivery – the devil is NOT in the detail! webinar

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Organisations that have embarked on their Agile journey, at all levels of maturity, often focus their efforts in the wrong places. You know the sort of thing: reams of metrics that are probably not very Agile friendly, attempting to scale when they haven’t yet got individual teams performing adequately, preventing product release because they just want to add one more feature - the list goes on! This webinar was held on 2 December 2021

In this session we discussed what REALLY matters for successful Agile Delivery.

Speaker: Bob Willis

Bob is an Enterprise Agile Coach in IBM’s EMEA Agile Centre of Competence. A pragmatic agilist with over 30 years software development experience in the UK, Europe, US and everywhere in between! He has been tasting his way through the many flavours of Agile for the last 16 years, helping people and organizations find out what works best in their context. Bob is an Accredited Kanban Trainer, Registered Scrum Trainer and Scrum@Scale Trainer with Scrum Inc. and a SAFe Program Consultant.

Bob has very kindly allowed his presented material to be made available for viewing.
The slides on Slideshare and the webinar recording on YouTube is now available in our APM resources area and also embedded below for reference.

View Martin Gosden's write up of the session.

This event is suitable for professionals with any level of experience.

Previous webinars can be viewed on the APM SlideShare and YouTube channels.

Follow @APMEvents for upcoming event information.

 #apmwebinar #apm_swwe

APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition reference

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3.3.6 Continuing professional development (CPD)


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  1. Ashok Singha
    Ashok Singha 03 December 2021, 01:30 PM

    Bob, Thank you for taking the time to impart your experience and knowledge. It was a really robust talk and the takeaway regarding Agile's positive points and the not so good points. I love the final point that the goal/ the destination is more important than the outputs and how you get there. That's the key point I took from your talk. Thank you. Ashok Singha