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A benefits management framework for prioritising programmes webinar

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Why are you spending money? Are you spending it on the right things?  Benefits management answers the former, but a framework helps you answer the latter.

Every programme and portfolio now uses benefits management processes to demonstrate return on investment.  However, benefits management isn’t applied consistently to all projects and programmes at all phase-gates, which means that decisions on what to increase/ decrease/ start/ stop are made without being able to make proper comparisons.

A benefits management framework delivers two things:

  1. consistency, allowing better decisions and delivering more success, and
  2. application of benefits management throughout the life cycle, from problem definition through to lessons learnt.

This webinar presented on Monday 17 February supports the APM publication “A guide to using a benefits management framework” and takes participants through the implementation process. From developing and refining the benefits management methodologies you will use, through which programmes to migrate when, to structuring portfolios, tranches and stage gates and taking action on deviation from plan.
A blog What is a benefits management framework and how can you use it? introduces the benefits management framework.

Webinar resources

Hugo has very kindly allowed his presented material to be made available for viewing.
 webinar recording is now on YouTube and also embedded below for reference.

Hugo has taken the questions raised during the webinar Q&A session, and provided his responses as an additional resource for future engagement and support.

This webinar is suitable for professionals with an advanced level of experience.


Hugo Minney
has worked in project management in many different settings but has probably never once had the job title of ‘project manager.’ 

From ‘account manager’ (developing the specification and organising delivery and implementation), through ‘workforce designer’ (creating new ways to overcome constraints), ‘benefits manager’ (coaching stakeholders what they can expect and what they have to do to get it), to a recent role as ‘chief executive’ (responsible for making it happen), Hugo has worked across industries in commerce, in charity and NHS.

Through all of this, Hugo has maintained a focus on value - the value that the user and the customer get, and why they would want to get (or buy) more.

The “Guide to using a benefits management framework” is Hugo’s second APM publication, after the whitepaper “Social Return on Investment (SROI): A powerful tool for the realisation of benefits”. He’s also contributed to thought leadership publications and cross-SIG workshops, including most recently “Procuring for benefits and value” with the APM Contracts and Procurement SIG.

Hugo is a Chartered Project Professional and APM Benefits and Value Specific Interest Group (SIG) Co Chair, as well as on the APM Enabling Change SIG and APM North East branch committees.  He is a committee member of BSI (British Standards Institute) as subject matter expert for a forthcoming benefits management standard.


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