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APM announces its newest Honorary Fellows

Association for Project Management (APM), the chartered body for the project profession, has announced the latest individuals to be awarded Honorary Fellowship: professor Andrew Davies from the University of Sussex and Amanda Medler, chief guide of Girlguiding, the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK.


APM Board Elections 2020: Nominations now open

Association for Project Management (APM) members are being invited to nominate candidates for the organisation’s upcoming board elections, which will see three newly elected members take an active role in driving APM and the future of the project profession forward.


Sponsorship: how to enhance the role within the project profession webinar

Part 1 in this 4 part Enhancing Sponsorship within the project profession – webinar series Early in 2020 we analysed the results of an online survey of project professionals involved in governance of change with a focus on board directors, senior executives who undertake an executive sponsor role and delegated sponsors who work on behalf of the accountable party.