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Welcome to the APM Portfolio Management SIG newsletter June 2020

Contents Introduction The Portfolio Management SIG announces its 2020 Portfolio Management Survey Portfolio Management conference Portfolio Director’s Dinner – making hard decisions Portfolio Management - A practical guide LinkedIn Get in touch 1.

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Recording the origins of the Paralympic Games

APM’s Emma Shelton used her staff volunteering day this year to ensure that the story of the early Paralympians was remembered, and the founders celebrated for their astounding legacy.


New surveys reveal project profession’s views on APM

Association for Project Management (APM) has released results from two new surveys that paint a detailed picture of members’ and non-members’ views of the organisation and the service it has been providing since the outbreak of coronavirus.

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APM responds to IPA’S National Infrastructure and Construction Procurement Pipeline

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA), the governmental body, which reports to the Cabinet Office and Treasury has issued a procurement pipeline, The National Infrastructure and Construction Procurement Pipeline 2020/21, bringing together details of planned procurements for the financial year to provide visibility across all sectors.


Making the hard decisions webinar

This webinar, held on Tuesday 16 June 2020, and presented by Petula Allison and Adam Skinner, explored the challenges faced in decision making when managing a portfolio.


Tackling the problem of pet projects with benefits management webinar

“How many times have you looked at the project that has been assigned to you and think “this should have been stifled at birth”? The projects that don’t help an organisation on towards its objectives, that only serve to increase the budget of the manager in charge, or that pull in the opposite direction to everyone else causing disruption? Claire Dellar tackles this with aplomb.