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We need you to make the difference!

The theme of this year’s Volunteers Week (1 – 7 June) is ‘You make the difference’ and now that APM is the Chartered body for the project profession, the role of our volunteers is even more vital in supporting our ambitious new strategy.

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What is portfolio management and why is it important?

What is portfolio management and why is it important? Following the success of their sold out conference and the release of the first of their new thought leadership series, the Portfolio SIG treated Thames Valley members to a lively session on portfolio management and why it is important.


The progressive project manager

The APM National Conference for Women in Project Management 2017, sponsored by BAE Systems, is just a few months away and the early bird special rate ends in one weeks time.


Welcome to the Late Spring edition of the APM PMO SIG Newsletter!

Welcome to the Late Spring edition of the APM PMO SIG Newsletter! In this issue of the newsletter we share some more news about our Machiavellian plans for PMOs to dominate the world (oops, we meant “for PMOs to become critical in the project management world!”) and share amazing news about our annual conference and the newly created APM PMO of the Year Award – that’s right, we finally made it! Together with information on how to join us as a committee member and all wrapped up with a dose of the hot topics from around the industry, including books you should put in your holidays’ to-read list and events you should attend.


Welcome to the Spring 2017 People SIG newsletter

Welcome to the Spring 2017 People SIG newsletter In this edition: Message from the People SIG Chair About this year’s committee election Making stakeholders a high priority Thinking of volunteering with APM?  How it can help your career How we are putting the focus on stakeholders Share with us about working overseas  What does good communication look like? Message from the People SIG ChairFirstly, a reminder to all that APM is now officially a Chartered body, which is fabulous news.