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How to become CEO of your programme webinar

Programmes are a critical vehicle for realising corporate strategy; good programme managers sit in the driving seat! You may be in your organisation's C-Suite currently, or you may have upward mobility to be in the future.


NewSE Bites: stakeholder engagement is a hot topic this year

In September's edition of "NewSE Bites": stakeholder engagement is a hot topic this yearIn this month’s “NewSE Bites” we have a mixed assortment of events, blogs and posts, research articles, plus a review of “The Entrepreneur’s Book” by Neil Francis, which is absolutely full of stakeholder related material.

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PROJECT ME - What is the best way to organise your time and workload?

  Maximise your morningsEllie CarswellGraduate project manager, Faithful+Gould Your brain has a greater capacity in the morning, so I find it best to deal with tasks that require a higher level of concentration first, such as reviewing risk registers, dealing with client queries and administering detailed reports.