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Special Report: Climate emergency

In 2016, APM posed a tricky question: “How can a time-bound activity such as a project – which is by definition ‘temporary’ and ‘unique’ – be reconciled with sustainability objectives which are typically set in an unspecified but remote future?” Three years later, sustainability is top of national and global agendas, but this question remains difficult to answer.


Working beyond borders

An international project used to mean jumping on a plane to a far-flung client and then spending the next couple of years as an expat telling the locals what to do.


APM responds to Queen’s Speech

Association for Project Management (APM) has urged the Government to provide ‘adequate and sustained investment’ to help infrastructure projects succeed, following the State Opening of Parliament.


ABC of Risk Culture

The SWWE branch was delighted to invite Dr David Hillson, the Risk Doctor, back to Bristol on 5th December, to talk about risk management.

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Project now greener than ever

We’re introducing a few green changes to Project – the official journal of the Association for Project Management (APM).


APM Midlands Branch BCAG November Event

On 26th November 2019, APM Midlands Branch Corporate sub-committee held the 11th and increasingly popular Corporate Advisory Group VIP Working Lunch exclusively for Midlands Corporate Partner & Affiliate representatives.