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Frequently asked questions - Qualifications and Training

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Do I have to start with the Fundamentals Qualification?

No, the qualifications offer structured progression, however, you should start at a level appropriate to your needs and experience.

How do I know if I am at the right level for your qualifications?

Each qualification has sample examination papers to help you ascertain the right level of qualification for you.                 

You can also assess your level of competence against our Competence Framework. There is a high level self assessment tool you can use featured on our CPD information page.

When will I get my exam results?

Notification of your results will be provided within (we cannot give results by telephone):

  • Fundamentals qualification: 2 weeks
  • Management qualification: 8 weeks
  • Professional qualification: 10 weeks
  • Risk Certificate Level 1: 2 weeks
  • Risk Certificate Level 2: 10 weeks

For paper examinations:

  • Fundamentals qualification: 6 weeks
  • Risk Certificate Level 1: 6 weeks

How do I book an APM exam?

Training for the following courses can be achieved through undertaking a course with an Accredited Training Provider:

The Provider will then schedule an exam for you with APM.

There is a directory of our Accredited Training Providers online. You can narrow the search by exam type, mode of delivery and location.

Candidates wishing to self-study can book onto an open exam directly with APM. View further open exam details

How do I apply for dispensations/adjustments for my examination?

APM is committed to promoting a positive attitude towards people with learning and physical needs. It has a great deal of experience in facilitating individual requirements and tailoring adjustments with the aim of removing any unfair disadvantage that the individual may encounter as a consequence of his or her medical condition. The dispensations we offer include, but are not limited to:

  • Extra time
  • Coloured paper
  • Large font
  • Laptop use

Please refer to the specific qualification guidance notes for details of exam dispensations and adjustments. These can be found on the following web pages:

The APM Project Fundamentals Qualification
The APM Project Management Qualification
Risk Certificates 

If you need further guidance and advice please contact APM Qualifications on +44 (0) 1844 271680 or email

What is the Fundamentals Qualification pass mark?

The pass mark is 36 out of 60 which equals 60%.

This may be changed on the recommendation of the Examinations Technical Assurance Group during the lifetime of the qualification.

Is the Certificated Project Manager (CPM) qualification still valid?

Absolutely. Anyone awarded the CPM qualification (IPMA Level B) has demonstrated a high level of competence across the entire project life cycle and it will continue to maintain an individual's status in the market. However it is subject to a 5 yearly recertification for current holders, looking at a candidates CV and recent project history.

What is PRINCE2®?

PRINCE2® is a popular process-based method of managing projects. It was developed by the Office of Government Commerce as a UK Government standard for IT project management. It is run by Axelos.

I am PRINCE2® qualified. Why should I take APM qualifications?

APM qualifications recognise the broad underpinning professional skills required to manage any project successfully. Any software, method or project management tool requires a trained, skilled professional to use it to be successful.

APM qualifications recognise professionals capable of assessing their project environment, selecting the right tools for the project they are working on and managing the complexities of communication, interpersonal and management skills, as well as the process aspects of managing projects.

PRINCE2® practitioners who wish to take the APMP qualification are able to take an adapted course which recognises the knowledge gained from the PRINCE2® qualification. To see the differences between the APMP and the APMP for PRINCE2® practitioners, please see here.

Is the Practitioner Qualification (PQ) qualification still valid?

APM Practitioner Qualification (PQ) is a recognised route one assessment towards chartered status (ChPP). For more information on what this means for you please visit our ChPP webpage.