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Petula Allison Petula Allison

Digital Transformation & Portfolio Manager

A project and portfolio professional with over 20 years’ experience of managing and delivering change in both the public sector on large scale transformational programmes of change c.£2bn, and portfolio management in the financial services sector, currently at the Yorkshire Building Society.

My role is delivering the enterprise portfolio which is focusing on its Digital Transformation to improve customers and colleagues experience, introducing Agile ways of working and effective reporting to the Executive Team and Board.

An APM member for over 5 years and active committee member and latterly Chair and Co-Chair of the Portfolio Management Special Interest Group. Committed to sharing both the theory and practical experience of Portfolio Management across the project profession through engagement with Universities as guest speaker, webinars om portfolio related topics and challenges, Portfolio Director events to discuss and debate hot topics and help develop white papers on topics such as ‘Decision Making’, ‘Delivering Value’ and ‘Agile’ in the context of Portfolio Management.