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Project managers working in pharmaceuticals

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Massive initiatives in tackling deadly diseases are, in effect, complex programmes and result in excellent project management - emphasising that project managers do huge things, not just in infrastructure, but in many different environments.

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease which threatens about half of the world's population. 

As many as 400 million people are believed to be infected annually, but nobody is completely sure. 

Estimates give an annual death toll of 22,000. 

And until now there has been no drug, no vaccine, that can stop it.

In December 2015, Mexico gave Sanofi Pasteur permission for the first limited distribution of a new vaccine which will cut the odds of getting the disease by 60%. The Philippines and Brazil – which alone had 1.4 million cases last year – followed suit

To get to this stage of what may only be a partial success took a clinical development program involving more than 40,000 people from 15 countries.

They were of different ages, geographic and epidemiological settings and varying ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.

So it can take years to grind through the gears of clinical trials to get to a product that may or may not work effectively or in the way anticipated.

Yet, with little fanfare, the world’s pharma giants took on one of the most gruesome contagions facing us today, and they got to a viable vaccine in a sprint.

The recent Ebola outbreak killed 11,300 people. The outbreak began at the beginning of 2014, but initially affected countries tried to play it down.

Only the World Health Organisation finally declared an emergency in August and then large scale aid began to arrive in September. So much time was lost.

But then an extraordinary thing happened. 

In October 2014, researchers began trialling vaccines that had been tried out in laboratories in the USA as a potential defence against bioterrorism. 

By the end of March 2015, one of these vaccines was working to save lives in Guinea. 

A process that usually drags on for years was driven through in six months. 

The Ebola vaccine was not just new and unproven, but it was also tested in chaotic circumstances without the stability of traditional clinical trials.  

In that short period of six months, an unprecedented level of international co-operation between the pharmaceutical giants (Merck, GSK, Janssen), regulators, funders, governments and aid agencies cleared the decks and rushed the vaccine through every hurdle at the greatest possible speed.  

For example, Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals threw $200 million into its own version of an Ebola vaccine, with little prospect of repayment. They made 800,000 doses without even knowing if it would be approved. Even in a sector which is built on calculated risk, this was a huge commitment.

And it wasn’t just a matter of developing the vaccine.

Engineers designed battery and solar powered fridges to keep the vaccine supercold in a hot climate without reliable electricity.

New medicines are expected to be proven through the Phase 3 clinical trial, which allows thousands of patients to be randomly sorted – in the midst of a big outbreak – into one group that is vaccinated and another which is not. Then you see how many get sick.

The problem with developing the Ebola vaccine was that, ironically, not enough people were getting sick anymore to give the researchers the big sample – 27,000 people – they needed to validate the vaccine’s success.

So the researchers tried a different method to test Merck’s vaccine.  On 24 July 2015, the trial was stopped, once they found that the vaccination offered total protection against Ebola after 6 days.

As with any new vaccine, it’s unclear how long protection will last, at least until long enough time has elapsed to show if it is still effective. Janssen’s vaccine might be longer-lasting, which will particularly help those people like nurses and aid workers who have longer term contact with the disease.

New pathogens continue to emerge. Ebola was only identified 40 years ago.

The World Health Organisation is now getting researchers, regulators and donors to create a global plan firstly to anticipate likely threats, and then to manage the research and development needed to attack the problem, by clearing animal tests, clinical trials and regulatory approval. Stockpiles of vaccines can then be made in large enough amounts to deal with a pandemic. And of course it all has to be paid for in some way.

All this requires programme and project management on an Olympian scale, involving the alignment of an array of competing financial, commercial and political interests. 

Project managers working in pharmaceuticals should be recognised and applauded for their work. 

David Waboso is President of APM and writes in a personal capacity.



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  1. Unknown User 13 July 2016, 06:42 PM

     Thanks David for writing this insightful blog!  As someone who has been employed for 19 years at Quintiles, the world's largest provider of product development services, and who has been actively involved with the APM during that time, it is very rewarding to see the importance of project managers in pharmaceutical development being recognised.   Quintiles, as a corporate member of the APM, is committed to the creation of a community of qualified, knowledgeable, experienced and engaged project management professionals.  Our project management professionals have helped develop or commercialize 98 of the Top 100 best-selling products of 2015. As you correctly point out, excellence in project & programme management is demonstrated in many different environments across the globe.  You cited the example of the regulatory approval granted to Sanofi Pasteur, for the world’s first Dengue vaccine.  While not widely known or understood here in Europe, Dengue (also known as dengue fever or  'bone breaking disease') is a painful, debilitating mosquito-bourne viral disease – which threatens more than 2.5 billion people worldwide, nearly half the world’s population, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).1  I am proud to work alongside the team here at Quintiles, who were selected by Sanofi Pasteur as a development partner on this international clinical trial program, the work from which was recognised by the APM as one of the finalists for the 2015 Overseas Project of the Year award. Clinical trials are often managed at a programme level, as explained in the 2nd Edition, Gower Handbook of Programme Management, edited by Reinhard Wagner. In this recently published book, I explain some of the intricacies of managing clinical trial programmes – across ethnicities, cultures, countries and varying standards of care and management.  It is vital to assess potential drugs in all such populations but, at the same time, essential to ensure that the population assessed is sufficiently homogenous to ensure that the effects of the drug can be efficiently and accurately assessed for both efficacy and safety and ultimately, acceptable for release onto the global market.  Thus, excellence in programme management is mandatory for all clinical trials and we are delighted, as mentioned, to see our project managers being recognised for the work they perform.

  2. Unknown User 14 April 2016, 03:51 PM

    Very interesting article indeed. The sheer numbers of people involved in various aspects of testing, validating new drugs particularly during an epidemic and cross border working requires huge efforts in project/programme management. The adsence of huge tangible outcomes/deliverables such as stadia, buildings etc as seen in traditional projects/programmes hide/mask the huge successes achieved by the pharmaceutical sector.