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Exploring the revised chartered standard: everything you need to know

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Since the launch of the standard in 2018, over 3,000 people have become a Chartered Project Professional (ChPP) and it’s remarkable to reflect on how the project profession has developed throughout that time, especially the global changes that we’ve all experienced since 2020. It was therefore really important for us at APM to continue to develop the chartered standard and ensure it is fit for purpose for the project professionals of today, as well as in the future.

We kicked off the project to revise the standard in mid-2022 with a focus on updating the standard to align to the recently updated APM Competence Framework 3rd edition. The project team took a holistic approach to ensure the standard continued to meet the principles of validity, flexibility, reliability and fairness, whilst keeping pace with the changing needs of the project profession. Through extensive consultation and review, the revised standard was published in April, and we’re now preparing to open applications in September this year.

Read through the revised standard here

As well as aligning to the APM Competence Framework 3rd edition, at the heart of the project was an intention to broaden the accessibility of the standard to across the project profession. With the revised set of mandatory and elective competences, the revised standard allows for a broader definition of ChPP, recognising the increasing variety of project professional roles that are developing as the project profession itself grows and matures. To view the mandatory and elective competences, you'll find them on page 13 of the guidance notes.

The rigour of the standard remains the same, and it will continue to provide assurance of high standards and ethical practice for individuals, employers and the wider public. Chartered status demonstrates proof of your competence as a project professional, supporting your career progression and enhancing your CV. We’ve worked with a number of our corporate partners to embed ChPP in their development programmes, providing a clear benchmark, and the alignment of the revised standard to the APM Competence Framework will only further support career pathways and development frameworks.

There continues to be three routes to ChPP, recognising previous technical knowledge and evidence of professional practice through recognised assessments, or allowing those with the relevant experience to demonstrate their knowledge and practice through the application process:

Route 1

for those who have a recognised assessment for technical knowledge

Route 2

for those who have a recognised assessment for technical knowledge and professional practice

Route 3

for those who do not have a recognised assessment but do meet the eligibility criteria


If you’re interested in applying to become a Chartered Project Professional (ChPP), please take a look at the following resources available to you:

We offer a range of resources to assist you with your ChPP application:

Guidance Notes 

Equip yourself with the requirements, process, and expectations. It will help you make informed decisions and prepare effectively for the journey to becoming a Chartered Project Professional.

Free online clinics 

We have a range of free online support webinars designed to help you prepare for your application and interview.

Self Assessment Tool 

This tool helps you to assess and support your readiness to apply for chartership under Route 1 and Route 3 against project experience requirements and professional practice criteria.


Coming soon: E-learning module — member only

Our Become a Chartered Project Professional online module will guide you through the application process and support your submission.

Applications against the revised standard will open from 18 September 2023.

LinkedIn Live: Exploring the Revised Chartered Standard

Curious about our revised chartered standard and what it means for you? Join our LinkedIn live session featuring Emily Long, Head of Professional Standards and Victoria Bailey, Professional Standards Manager as they dive into all the details. Ask your questions during the live Q&A segment and gain valuable insights.

We're looking forward to seeing you on the 10 August at 12:30 PM BST

Register here

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  1. Lucy Heald
    Lucy Heald 09 August 2023, 01:26 PM

    Will the LinkedIn session on Thursday 10th be recorded for those who are unable to make the live timings?