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Mark Rowland

Five project management stories you shouldn’t have missed in November

New ‘smart infrastructure’ project aims to revolutionise UK roads Buckinghamshire County Council and Lancaster University’s Department of Engineering have launched an incredibly ambitious infrastructure project – one that has implications beyond just the roads we drive on.

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Ashley Cox

Sponsoring the Thameslink programme

Nick Gray of Network Rail (NR) recently presented on the Thameslink programme and reflected on overall sponsor challenges in NR at the APM Governance SIG event, hosted by Transport for London (TfL).

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Reetu Kansal

How to tackle your own biases

As a person of colour and a female, it quickly became apparent to me, quite early on in my career, that my experience was slightly different from everyone else.

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Brad Egeland

Do you have the proper project controls in place?

A big part of project success is having the right people and tools in place – and ensuring you have set aside enough time for project planning before jumping into the hands on work of developing a solution.

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Natalie Marguet

Gaining insight into the mind of the project team

Have you ever been in a situation where others just don't understand the situation you are in? You wonder how you are going to get others to agree with the actions that need to be taken? Frustration and tension build as the project team is unable to find agreement and a way forward.