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Jackie Martin APM Jackie Martin APM
Jackie Martin

Common skills in an evolving profession

Depending on where in the world you are, which sector or role you are in, or even the type of organisation, the skills needed to effectively operate in your project’s environment can be far-ranging.

Conrad Heine Conrad Heine
Conrad Heine

Revisiting the ‘why’ of a project: why it goes missing

Why do so many projects fail? There are many individual factors behind failure, but one overarching explanation could be that the ‘why’ of a project – its objective or purpose – simply gets lost in the focus on the ‘what’, ‘how’, ‘how much’, ‘when’ and ‘where’.

Dave Waller.jpg Dave Waller.jpg
Dave Waller

Five tips for making a scrum meeting sing

Project professionals seeking to make a project faster and more efficient may be tempted to try scrum – a methodology that uses continuous iteration to get the most out of a design and build process.