Cultivating psychological safety and a growth mindset culture
Psychological safety is “the belief that the work environment is safe for interpersonal risk‑taking… feeling able to speak up with relevant ideas, questions or concerns.
Psychological safety is “the belief that the work environment is safe for interpersonal risk‑taking… feeling able to speak up with relevant ideas, questions or concerns.
Have you ever wondered why it seems so hard to apply agile methodologies to the construction industry? Why does work in construction seem so rigid and old-fashioned? Well, the easy answer to this question is: because you can’t build a wall twice and you can’t run a sprint to fix any mistakes to something as permanent as a wall.
The Government is at risk of failing to deliver its National Infrastructure Strategy warns the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) and, despite a backdrop of progress, they were right to raise the warning.
What would you choose to do on a gap year from work? Hit the beach, write a book, learn to sail? How about help plant 90,000 trees? Project Manager Jason Sellars chose the latter when, on a year’s break from managing mega IT projects for the banking and insurance sector in Canada, he helped lead the National Trust’s largest ever tree-planting project at the Wimpole Estate, Cambridgeshire.
I recently facilitated a virtual discussion regarding why we don’t consistently apply good governance principles on projects and programmes.
Adam Grant’s book Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know wants us to embrace rethinking.
A recent news feature on the BBC News website may have gone largely unnoticed by many.
Did you start the year with resolutions that have been forgotten about? We begin with the best intentions but alas, it’s April and I’ve barely walked outside let alone run.
Over the past 10 years, change management has boomed in popularity.
Employability is a “big conversation” at the moment, according to Killian Underhill, talent acquisition partner at global property and construction consultancy Gleeds.