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Spencer Hobbs

Looking back on future projections

Last week I managed to read the seventh and final paper of the Association for Project Management’s (APM) excellent Projecting the Future thought leadership series, the first of which was published in June 2019.

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Annie Mirza

Reflections on the dynamic conditions for project success

Ahead of the publication of the APM report Dynamic Conditions for Project Success, we caught up with Dr David Eggleton and Professor Nicholas Dacre who reflect on the process and challenges of completing a high-profile research project amidst a pandemic.

Karen Elson Karen Elson
Karen Elson

Leaving a legacy – knowledge management to tackle the climate emergency

How can I use my skills working in major projects knowledge to contribute to the climate emergency challenge? That was the question posed to me recently by Ego to Eco, a movement set up to shift our industry from an ego centric approach (human dominated) to an eco-centre nature driven system.