How we can assure projects to increase the chances of success
This is the third and final in a series of blogs discussing the need for a step-change in how we assure projects to increase the chances of success.
This is the third and final in a series of blogs discussing the need for a step-change in how we assure projects to increase the chances of success.
The last few years has seen a resurgence in thinking about the age-old question of purpose and the work-life balance.
Whether we like it or not, data sits at the heart of everything we do in project management.
Most of us aspire to be part of a high-performing team who collaborate and support one another to be effective and productive, and deliver outcomes that bring business benefits.
Whilst Sir Ernest Shackleton wrote to The Times announcing his Imperial Trans Antarctic Expedition—more commonly known as the Endurance expedition— it is the almost certainly fictional advert to recruit a crew that has captured the public imagination in recent years.
“There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single issue lives,” Audre Lorde.
Engagement helps drive action on projects.
Following on from our previous blog on why assurance matters more than ever for project success… A question we’re often asked is how to get started and introduce project assurance management practices into an organisation, which has previously no experience of this, in order to develop traction and understanding.
There has been a lot of talk about the ‘Great Resignation’ post-pandemic.
Waterfall was dead.