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Andrew Saunders Andrew Saunders
Andrew Saunders

Win by going faster: project management lessons from Formula 1

Can a maker of ice cream or washing powder really learn much about innovation, project management and process improvement from Formula 1? The answer, perhaps surprisingly, is a resounding ‘yes’, according to Jerome Evans, Programme Director at PurpleSector.

Dr Michael Waters Dr Michael Waters
Michael Waters

Unleashing the power of surge management

For the winter 2017 issue of Project, I contributed an article on surge management which is the term I use to refer to the business of both responding to surge events and creating them.

JKG Headshot JKG Headshot
Jaspal Kaur-Griffin

How to ace a project job interview

Throughout my career I have chaired and sat on a vast number of interview panels, both for project management roles and for other senior roles.

James Elliot (1) James Elliot (1)
James Elliott

3 easy ways to make your projects more ESG-friendly

As the climate change emergency becomes graver, organisations everywhere are levelling up their environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda to play their part in saving the planet.