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Fernande Van Schelle

Doesn't a year go by fast?

Doesnt a year go by fast? We are already coming up to the APM conference and nominations are being taken for the APM Awards (deadline 27th June 2013).

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Andrew Hubbard

Time to play the game

Should I be lucky enough to have children, and my son asks me in the future: Dad, what did you do when you were a boy? I will proudly answer: Son, I won the Champions League with Peterborough United.

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Andrew Hubbard

Public versus private

It is a debate that I have come across on a number of occasions during my time as Project magazine editor which are more successful, public or private sector projects?Private sector projects are more customer focused, whereas in the public sector there is more emphasis on economy more bang for your buck.

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Darren Dalcher

Adaptability in projects

The 2013 APM Project Management Conference is focused on exploring the implications of success and achievement through the topic area of Adapt!.

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Fernande Van Schelle

APM Board meeting

Board meetings are always interesting when they balance an inward and an outward focus.

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Darren Dalcher

The power to adapt

2012 might as well be framed as the year when British project management came of age.