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Paul Naybour

Using a Gantt Chart to manage a project schedule

Note: The original Gantt chart developed by Henry Gantt in 1910 was not the same as the one we use today; it actually showed resources against time (but that’s a topic for another blog post).

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Tom Taylor

Project clichs

I have been thinking about managing projects and programmes by clichs and particularly the ups and downs.

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Stephen Woodward

It's time to put risk workshops online

During the heady days of the 1980s the pioneering work of the leaders of an emerging project management profession positioned risk management as a central, if not the central, activity.

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Matthew Poole

Simple solution to the constraint complaint

As project managers, we’re all aware of the RAID log concept, to capture risks, actions, issues, decisions and any other information a project manager may wish, or be obliged to record.

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Mike Clayton

What can you learn from your local supermarket?

Supermarkets place premium goods at eye level, they put sweets and magazines near the checkout counter and use point of sale advertising throughout the store, they offer trial packs and free tastings, they attract us round corners into aisles with goods we don’t need, and they pump the smell of baking bread throughout the store and also into the street.

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Donnie MacNicol

The 'art' of successful stakeholder engagement

RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) and APM have jointly commissioned a Stakeholder Engagement guidance note on this critical aspect of project management.