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John Chapman

Is programme management revolution in disguise?

A 'revolution' (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around")1 is a fundamental change in power or organisational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.

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Paul Naybour

Project managers don't forget about behaviours and attitudes

Those new to project management often worry about which qualifications to seek; which will give them the best opportunity to develop their career or the widest choice of possible industries or the best credentials for working in international organisations, or whatever else is important to them in their careers.

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Mike Clayton

Are you feeling mature?

Software development, project management, and risk management all have maturity models that set criteria to allow organisations to measure the level of institutionalisation of good practices.

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Suzanne Easton

Lots of fingers in the communication pie? 3 simple steps to avoid a big clean up

Business analysts, project managers, executive sponsors, all identify that something needs to be communicated, but lack the skills, knowledge and experience of a communication specialist to be able to turn those requirements into impactful, meaningful communications that deliver the required results.