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Edward Wallington

CPD is a waste of time!

Why oh why do people keep going on about continuous professional development (CPD)?  Stop wasting my time.

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Guillaume Garcin

Top tips for software users

In my last blog I talked about the pain points facing project managers within their organisations in terms of project and resource management.

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Ann Pilkington

Project communication can get agile too

Communication folk know they should plan, but the challenges of doing so in fast moving environment can be off putting and of course we all know that failing to plan is planning to fail! Well now Dutch Professor Betteke van Ruler has got us thinking about how to apply agile thinking to communication planning.

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Paul Naybour

Dealing with project risks effectively

In my last post I talked about how to identify risks on a project and how to ensure the risks were specific to the project and not general business-as-usual risks.

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Vince Hines

What are you worth?

You're only worth as much as someone is prepared to pay for you.