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Mike Clayton

Word to rule them all

It's amazing how much can be achieved by one simple question - why?One word is more powerful, more annoying and more challenging than any other.

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Judy Payne

Knowledge management - let's get it right

Are we alone amongst Specific Interest Groups (SIGs) in thinking that our subject is the most widely misunderstood in project management? Probably not.

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Edward Obeng

Back to bite you

Do today’s problems come from yesterday’s perfectly executed solutions? If so, how should we be managing benefits?I’ve been asked to deliver a keynote talk at a benefits management conference and it’s given me an ethical dilemma.

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Vince Hines

How do I become a project manager?

We are frequently asked this question, often with the added comment “I organised my wedding brilliantly…I’d be a great project manager”, or “I’m really organised so I must be a good project manager”Organising yourself or an event certainly sounds like good foundations.

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James Dale

Don't be seduced by the drive to collaborate in the 'age of alliances'

Who could possibly take issue with a word such as ‘collaborate’, which according to my on-line dictionary, denotes ‘the action of working with someone to produce something’? There now appears to be an inextricable drive to collaborate across all organisational sectors, in what has been coined ‘the age of alliances’.