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Merv Wyeth

Why project professionals need to be digitally competent!

As part of our upcoming Programme Management Specific Interest Group (SIG) Conference “Equipping Programme Managers for Global Success” on 10th March, we plan to draw on the expertise of a number of practitioners and leaders in their field.

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Julian Smith

Someone had blunder'd: why project delivery is vital in the Civil Service

Today John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary of the Cabinet Office and Tony Meggs, Chief Executive of the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA), will give evidence to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on “Delivering major projects in Government”.

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James Simons

Pursuit of happiness

According to the latest Gallup Positive Experience Index, the mood of the world is upbeat, especially in Latin America, where you are most likely to experience positive emotions on a daily basis.