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Ian Clarkson

Be the architect of your career

It is 1990 and Elton John’s ‘Sacrifice’/‘Healing Hands’ double A-side single gives him his first solo number one.

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Ann Pilkington

Five things to remember

Everyone would agree that getting the communication right is one of the keys to project success.

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Julian Smith

Industrial strategy: the story so far

Since Theresa May became Prime Minister, one of the distinctions she has carefully drawn with the recent past has been her willingness to be activist in finding solutions to the UK’s long standing problems with productivity, regional disparities and skills deficits, whilst at the same time keeping her powder dry for a blitz on corporate tax and regulation should the EU drive too hard a deal over Brexit.

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Vince Hines

Would you like to earn more?

The recently published APM Annual Salary and Trends Survey 2016, sponsored by Wellingtone, is always one of the most popular downloads and generates huge interest.

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Andy Murray

Governance of Co-Owned Projects

As a consequence of the 2008 credit crunch I was involved in a number of transformation programmes with organisations needing to rapidly change their delivery models in order to operate within much lower operating budgets.

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Steve Messenger

People are at the core of agile

In this new deep dive into agile, I thought I would concentrate on various stakeholders that are affected by agile ways of working.

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Emma-Ruth Arnaz-Pemberton

Big SIG news for PMO people

As Chair of the APM PMO SIG moving our industry forward has always been at the forefront of my mind.

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John McGlynn

Chartered status – what next?

On Friday we were delighted to finally announce the news we have been waiting many years for; that APM had received its Royal Charter.