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Ruth Murray-Webster

BoK 7: What do we mean by social systems?

It’s always been well understood that successful project delivery depends on clear roles and responsibilities, teamwork and communication between the people involved.

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Brad Egeland

Six ways to add more value to your projects in 2018

Are you looking for new ways in 2018 to push your project management office (PMO) or PM infrastructure over the fence into new service and performance territory? Or are you a project manager looking to up your game and make a bigger difference in your own individual project delivery within the organisation? Or maybe you are a third option – an independent consultant or contractor looking to add value to what you are offering both your client that brought you in to help out or lead and to the project client you are serving (may be a third party or the same client that brought you in as a consultant).

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Vivianne Walters

Managing in a crisis

A programme manager must accept that despite well laid plans there is a 9/10 chance that the plan will not work perfectly and yet they must appear to manage professionally.