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APM Blogs

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John Thorp

Lies, damn lies and… business cases

  How do you feel when you’re asked to write a business case? If you are like most people, you see it as neither a pleasant, nor a worthwhile task.

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John McGlynn

10 excellent reasons to be Chartered…

As a member of the Association for Project Management you have already demonstrated your commitment to professionalism in project management.

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David Liversidge

Thinking systematically about benefits

Increasingly complexity and uncertainty As P3 Management (P3M) practitioners, we are all aware of the increasing complexity of the P3 environment.

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Rob Leslie-Carter

Creating a Chartered body fit for the future

APM Chair John McGlynn wrote a blog in January this year titled, ‘Chartered status – what next?’, beginning a conversation about Chartered status being the start of journey.

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Peter Marlow

Mentoring is a great way to share expertise

Having worked in a project management role in the development sector for five years, Kavita Rajah was at a point where she wanted to take a step back and figure out the next move in her career.

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Mike Clayton

Reasons to be cheerful

Chiropractors, taxi drivers, the Marylebone Cricket Club and internal auditors.