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John McGlynn

Project management and addressing climate change issues

Which aspects of project management are relevant to dealing with climate change? The answer is virtually all of them, and this publication, "Climate change and what the project management profession should be doing about it", by Professor Peter Morris  - recently published by APM - looks into it in more detail.

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David Thomson

Into the mouth of hell rides the Chancellor?

David Thomson, APM head of external affairs, offers a view of the Autumn budget:  The famous lines of Tennyson’s Charge of the Light Brigade seem apt for the predicament the Chancellor faced in the run up to this Budget: “Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them Volleyed and thundered; Stormed at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death,  Into the mouth of hell Rode the six hundred” Not just literally from left and right but also from competing views on how to handle finances ahead of Brexit and its impact, as well as wider volleys from different directions on priorities for his (relatively few) spending options.

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Paul Naybour

Project constraints: Using the wrong terminology?

We're all familiar with the triple project constraints of time, cost and scope and there's been plenty of debate about whether other constraints should be factored in to the constraint triangle but I'd like to take a step backwards and consider whether "constraint" really is the right description and whether we, as a profession, could better describe how a project is actually constrained and what we really mean by the "triple constraints".

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Stewart Longhurst

Changing the world with sticky-tape and a pencil

In this era of rapid advancement in digital technologies, we’re used to over-hyped and superlative-laden announcements for new innovative products that promise to transform our lives.

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Matthew Gordon

The kick-off: Meet Matt!

Like any good project manager, I thought it might be worthwhile to start this blog series with a good old-fashioned kick off.

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James Dale

Applying the KISS principle

By Dr Jim Dale Some thirty-five years ago, naive and fresh faced, with my head full of management theories from Maslow, Hertzberg, Adair and McGregor, I embarked upon my first leadership role with the Metropolitan Police.