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Phil Driver

Full-spectrum accountability (PRUB-accountability)

Who is ultimately accountable for the processes associated with projects and their consequences? Surprisingly to some, the answer is that, regardless of how much of the process you seek to outsource, it is you, the purchaser, and not your suppliers, who will remain accountable.

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Brad Egeland

3 Keys to successful digital transformation

Are you running complex projects handling sensitive data frequently – especially legacy data that is crucial to the business over the long haul? If so, then digital transformation is likely in the cards for your organisation.

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Paul Naybour

Are Higher Apprenticeships misunderstood?

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) the percentage of graduates in the UK has been rising steadily from 24% in 2002 to 42% in 2017.

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James Dale

Transitioning from cultural awareness to intelligence

Globalisation for many project management professionals is likely to require interaction with people from different backgrounds and cultures, possibly involving virtual teams, organisational collaboration or complex matrix structures where hierarchy and positional power count for little.

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Kenneth Evans

Every day risk management

If you're reading this blog I can assume that you, at some point recently, managed some risks.

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Tim Lyons

A brief history of Gantt charts

It is difficult to envisage how a modern project would be managed without at some point creating a chart of tasks to be done in delivering the project’s declared benefits.

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Paul Naybour

Using a Gantt chart to manage a project schedule

There are many different techniques and tools that a project manager can use to control a project schedule on a day-to-day basis and for managing dependencies, change and risks.