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Education and Research Awards 2025

| Research Paper of the Year

This award celebrates nominees who have advanced the theory, knowledge and practice of project management through a published academic paper.

To be eligible to enter this category the research paper must have been published (i.e. not online first or early cite) in a peer-reviewed journal in 2024. Blogs will not be accepted. To check a journal is peer reviewed search on the Master Journal List A research paper can only be entered into this category once. Entrants can be members or non-members of APM, from both in and outside of the UK.

Entries should take the form of a 1,000-word personal statement (in English) addressing the criteria below, accompanied by the published research paper in pdf format.

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Rules of entry

Category criteria and weighting

Contribution to theory  25%

  • Value to academia - The paper should have made significant contribution to project management theory.

Research methodology and methodological rigour  25%

  • Appropriate use of research methodology to the research question under investigation.

Significance to practice  25%

  • Potential for practical applicability or the research or the relevance of the research to project management practice.

Potential for impact  25%

  • Demonstration of dissemination activities and potential impact.

Societal impact

Where you feel your work has delivered a societal impact, please include this in your submission. Think about what difference you've made outside of your own sphere of influence. This could be for example around the environment, society, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Judges will be putting forward relevant entries to our new Societal Impact Award.

Entries are now closed