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Education and Research Awards 2025

| Project Management Educator of the Year

This award recognises academics whose innovation and passion have transformed a course and inspired students.

The category is open to institutions, academics themselves or their colleagues, but in all cases the institution must support the submission and student testimonies must be included in the supplementary documentation. Entrants can either self-nominate or be nominated by their employer or academic institution. Entrants can be members or non-members of APM, both from in and outside of the UK.

Entries must take the form of a 1,000-word personal statement (in English) addressing the criteria below, and up to three letters of support (no more will be accepted), one of which must be from the entrant’s department head, others may be from students or other colleagues. In addition, entrants may also submit up to two pieces of supporting evidence.

  • images and/or graphics (no text, just short captions)
  • a link to a video no more than 2 minutes in length

Evidence must support information already included in the submission and must not introduce additional elements. Please see further details on the ‘Supporting evidence’ tab of the Awards platform.

View criteria  Entries are now closed

Rules of entry

Category criteria and weighting

Professional pedagogy development  10%

  • Evidence of how the nominee evaluates and develops their professional progress with regard to teaching, learning and assessment.

Student engagement  30%

  • Exceptional engagement with students and how this has impacted positively in and beyond their academic role. If applicable, explain how this has had an effect beyond their institution in the careers of their students.

Continued commitment to student experience  30%

  • Evidence of a sustained commitment to advancing and positively influencing the student experience.

Innovation in curriculum development  30%

  • Evidence of successful innovation in curriculum development based on cutting-edge knowledge and practice.

Societal impact

Where you feel your work has delivered a societal impact, please include this in your submission. Think about what difference you've made outside of your own sphere of influence. This could be for example around the environment, society, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Judges will be putting forward relevant entries to our new Societal Impact Award.

Entries are now closed