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Education and Research Awards 2025

| Developmental Programme of the Year

This category aims to recognise excellence in the delivery and outcomes/benefits of project management developmental programmes or schemes. This may include (but is not limited to):

  • Graduate schemes
  • Apprenticeship schemes
  • Career development pathways

The category is open to organisations of all kinds, but the programme must be specifically related to educating and developing project, programme and portfolio management skills in their paid or voluntary employees. Entrants can be members or non-members of APM, from both in and outside of the UK.

Entries should take the form of a 1,000-word statement (in English) addressing the criteria below. In addition, entrants may also submit up to two pieces of supporting evidence which must only include:

  • images and/or graphics (no text, just short captions)
  • a link to a video no more than 2 minutes in length

Evidence must support information already included in the submission and must not introduce additional elements. Please see further details on the ‘Supporting evidence’ tab of the Awards platform.

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Rules of entry

Category criteria and weighting

Recruitment  20%

  • Diverse and inclusive method of selection

Delivery  30%

  • Thorough induction
  • Programme includes all key competencies of project management
  • Programme includes exposure to industry
  • Programme includes specific area of responsibility and ownership
  • Good level of support and advice on ongoing development and recruitment (e.g. access to employers, or career progression opportunities/education in career pathways in current organisation.)

Potential for impact  50%

  • High percentage of people going through the programme progressed to a higher position in project management in the year after completion – use case studies, stats etc.
  • The programme has been of benefit to the organisation – i.e. what processes have been improved following lessons learned by those going through the programme. Could include organisational/cultural change as well as project management process improvements.
  • The programme has been of benefit to the profession – i.e. what legacy has this programme left/will leave in the future to the profession?

Societal impact

Where you feel your work has delivered a societal impact, please include this in your submission. Think about what difference you've made outside of your own sphere of influence. This could be for example around the environment, society, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Judges will be putting forward relevant entries to our new Societal Impact Award.

Entries are now closed