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Wed 5 June 🕐 13:15-14:15 | Tackle Big Topics Stream

Identifying future solutions to address skills shortages

We know skills shortages are a real concern for the profession, so now is the time to consider solutions.

Where should investment be made? How can the development of a Chief Project Officer (CPO) role help? Is growing professionalism and maturity the answer?

This session will aim to break down the challenges for different 'skills packages' (such as traditional PM skills, interpersonal skills and project controls skills), discuss the role of diverse capabilities and identify a menu of potential next steps for employers.

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Lorraine Bellinger

Lorraine Bellinger, Head of Legal Project Delivery, Bird & Bird

Karen Skinner

Karen Skinner, Chief Project & Portfolio Officer, LifeArc

Derek Allan ChPP, Global Projects Principal Technical Expert - Shell

Michelle Richmond MBE

Michelle Richmond MBE, IET, APM Trustee

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