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Outstanding Achievement Award

APM Project Management Awards | 18 November 2024
APM Awards 2024 Hero 2

Outstanding Achievement Award

The most prestigious of our individual awards, the APM Outstanding Achievement Award is given to an individual who has made a significant, impactful, positive contribution to the project profession.  

This category recognises one individual who has made a significant and outstanding contribution to the project profession, be that as a single effort, or as a sustained set of activities over a long period. 

The winner of this award will be a leader associated with the profession who has made a significant impact on individuals or the profession itself. The winner’s contribution should be significant regardless of whether the achievement is well known or not.

This award is open for nominations only and individuals cannot nominate themselves.

Nominations to this category are to be a submission of up to 1,000 words (in English) based on the judging criteria. Entrants may also submit up to four pieces of supporting evidence - images or graphics only (no text apart from captions). Evidence must support information already included in the submission and must not introduce additional information.  Video and audio is not accepted as part of the submission.  Please see further details on the ‘Supporting evidence’ tab of the Awards platform.

The APM Outstanding Achievement Award category is a written stage only judging category. The winner will be notified ahead of the APM Awards and invited to sit with APM’s CEO at the Awards ceremony in November.

Please ensure the nominee is aware of the nomination. The submission must be factually correct and include contact details for the nominee. Successful nominees will have an opportunity to review the submission written about them and inaccurate submissions may be disqualified.

The winner will be announced at the awards ceremony.

Outstanding Achievement Award category criteria

Please read the category description and the below criteria carefully before submitting your entry.  

Tell us why this person is a worthy winner of this award.

The judges will be looking for / this could include:

  • A description of the role(s) undertaken by this person relevant to this award. This could be the leadership of people, projects, research or organisations.
  • This person’s credentials in terms of qualifications and experience.
  • Information about this person’s achievements and how this has impacted on the project profession or the project professionals or teams that they work with
  • Details of the benefits delivered by this person’s activities and who has benefitted.
  • Details about any significant activities this individual has been involved with that have had a significant benefit to society
  • How has this person inspired the project professionals or teams that they work with or influence?
  • Information about particular areas of expertise or commitment including diversity & inclusion, wellbeing or training?
  • If relevant, details of any particular commitment to sustainability, innovation or social issues.